Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dance exam

Tiring~~~, Today, I had dance exam, it was very wrecked. I forgot the movement, ohh, God, it was very embarassing.
let me tell you from the start.
at 2 pm, my friends and I gathered at nDalem Kaneman to practice first before we had our exam, but it was especially for Golek Sulung Dayung and Srimpi Bondet. Because, the teacher hadn't shown up so we did not do anything except chatting with our friends until Bu Yayuk came and told us to practice by ourselves.

that is the photo before we changed into kebaya. then -->
haha, it is just 8, but actually we have 9.Let's go to the performance

First, is Sari Sumekar performance. The surprising fact was that the members are 18, I guess. waw. It's many, right? then, someone from SMKI who is a member, can do srimpi bondet, ckck.

then after that, the boys danced

Below are Golek Sulung
and finally, our turn. haha. it was so embarassing for me. I couldn't even calm. :( haha. I got number 6. hmm. not too good. because it's on the right. ghhh.

hmm. The first picture is Srimpi Bondet, the dancers were three, actually there all are 4, but the one is in holiday. Okay, the pink one is my schoolmate and will be my classmate, Adyotasalma. Call her Dyo. The grey one is Anis *not sure* The youngest one is .... I forget. haha

And the second picture below is Beksa, I don't know what beksan, but they are still in the elementary school but they are the heighest class in our system, ckck. good luck guys. You know what, they used the original Keris. wawawaw, and they use "pistol-pistolan". Great for you guys.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Allah is The Best

Something new I learned today. I presented my scientific work. yeah, something proud to be. although, I couldn't speak what I wanted to speak and It was so embarassing. Okay, let's forget about that sad story, the happy news is I got Rp 30.000,00. yey~~
^^ although, it's not much, but I thought that our works were appreciated.

The second, I saved his money, kya~~~ He's so handsome. He even smiled today when he put my ball. Fyi, he cut his hair. not like korean boyband of course. He's not even pretty. haha.

And, The last thanks to ALLAH SWT. Allah gives me the best. Allah knew that the schedule would be messy. You know what? the schedule said that the presentation would run about 4 hours, from 8 am to 12 pm. well, in fact, it started 1 hour 30 minutes after that. well so long right? Ar first, I assumed, one person would perform about 15 minutes, but, in fact, until 30 minutes so far. hmm~~~ and, it ended at 4 pm. ohh, and luckily my traditional dance course is on Monday. yey~~ actually, the day is now, but because of the teacher, so the course will be on Monday and I really thanks to ALLAH SWT. You, give me the best because you change the day of the course. Glad to be in your faith.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tari Golek Sulung Dayung

Sebagai orang jawa, sudah sebaiknya kita tahu sedikit tentang budaya kita. Jadi saya, akan membahas tentang salah satu tarian yang tidak sakral dan bisa dimainkan oleh semua orang dimanapun. Tarian tersebut adalah Tari Golek Sulung Dayung. Tari ini dapat dimainkan sendirian atau bersama-sama.

Golek sulung dayung termasuk tarian yang centil karena tarian ini menggambarkan seorang perempuan yang sedang berdandan. Banyak ragam pada tarian ini yang menggambarkan perempuan sedang berdandan, seperti contohnya gerakan dolanan sampur, atau pasang ali-ali, ada juga ngilo dan sebagainya.

Tarian ini sebenarnya lebih dinamis dibandingkan dengan srimpi maupun bedaya. Tarian ini termasuk tarian klasik modern yang gendingnya lebih cepat dan iramanya lebih menyenangkan. Biasanya seseorang yang belajar tarian ini lebih cepat bisa dibandingkan belajar tarian yang lain, karena tari golek sulung dayung ini menyenangkan hati.

sayang tidak ada fotonya jadi kurang menarik

PP is sucks

Let's talk about this matter.
Okay, I finished it as soon as I can, because I don't want to deal it again, but hey, on Monday, I got my name on a paper that their PP were chosen. What the hell!!!
Okay, at first I was proud of myself, but, the second I looked, I got

"Para finalis diharapkan membuat power point tuntuk presentasi"

what the~~
Is it that good, huh? I don't wanna present it. When I complained to my friend, she just say
"ya udahlah, jalani aja" so easy when you talk, but for me it's really hard to do. OMG. ><
when I asked my friend again, "ya udahlah abis itu bakalan kelar kok"
heyyyy, why do you so calm? I can't calm. :((


Orang aneh

ada orang, Yogya kayaknya tapi tinggal di Jepang. messsage aku di fb pake bahasa Jepang, awalnya kanji, lama-lama jadi romaji. Kujawab pake apapun dia tetep ngotot jawab pake romaji.
seneng juga sih punya temen yang mau ngobrol pake bahasa jepang, tapi memahami apa yang akan dia katakan itu super sulit. ckck.

awalnya gini. dia(d), aku(a)

d: 元気

a: genki? sehat? iya kah.
kenapa tanya ke aku?

d: Iie nanimo, nihonggo jouzu ne...?? (g apa-apa, bisa bhs jepang?)

a: ehhhh,, matte! dare desu ka?
aduh gomenasai. wakarimasen desu m(_ _)m
lagi blajar dikit2

d: Tomodachi ni natte mo ii..???

a: introduce yourself first

d: Je me presente, je mapelle hery je me suis de tamano

a: suge~~ furansu go o hanaseru ka?

d: Hanasenaiwa...!!! Tomodachi kara osiete moratta....!!!
Meccha jouzu ne nihonggo, suge~ migoto...!!

a: a bit understand.. but it took a lone time to understand what you'r trying to say.
ahh. wakatta. saigo no bun wo wakatta.
ahh, arigatou gozaimasu m(_ _)m
ahh, watashi wa gita desu. yoroshiku

d: Herry, kochirakoso yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Doko de nihonggo o benkyou shite imasu ka..?

a: hmm. mostly on the internet. but also from songs.

udah masih belom dibales sama dia.
sebenernya seneng juga ada yang ngajakin ngomong bhs jepang, tapi banyak g dongnya nih. memalukan. ckck.
minna, jaa ne